Keep in mind I am a complete novice at trans tuning. (see earlier posts.) So far, the slip is gone and the truck shifts and engages as it should, although I do get the impression this trans may be on borrowed time. This was the case with my shift schedule as well. In MY CASE, this change did not allow for full TV pressure because my tune seems to be working off of WOT TP_AD_COUNTS and NOT the actual TP_AD COUNTS as seen under WOT. What this does is skew the trans tune because the new WOT TP_AD_COUNT sets the trans scaler for full TV pressure at a column with less pressure for the 12-21 shift than at the old value for full line pressure at the stock TP_for_WOT. Most tunes for a SBTB will shoot for a lower TP_AD_COUNT_for _WOT value. In case anyone ever stumbles upon this and is having the same issue while working on their trans tune, here are the results of what Bird helped me through.